Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Simply Simple

One of the more challenging, but satisfying things that I like doing is capturing the simple. In everything, whether it be a design, a face, an object or location, there is always an "essence" that makes up the core qualities. This "essence" is absolutely necessary in making this design, face, or object what it is. Sometimes in art, I find those that are able to capture this in their art are able to cut away all the useless details and waste in their work. Its amazing how much can be conveyed with just a few strokes, or choice colors. Once this "essence" is determined or captured, everything else becomes unnecessary.

If all this makes no sense, I completely understand. I barely understand myself most of the time. Below is an example of how using the same block shape for icons, the artist was able to capture the key qualities and colors that make up the character despite the limitations of shape. They probably could've simplified it even more, but this is cool regardless.


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